The Glow Course

Helping girls to GLOW in every area of their life

What is it & who’s it for?

Navigating the tween and teen years is like embarking on a wild rollercoaster ride of changes in both body and mind! It's the perfect moment to dive into conversations about confidence, resilience, and the superpower of self-worth.

Our aim is to inspire and motivate every Glow Up Project student to be the very best version of themselves. We do this by helping them to gain overall confidence in who they are, just as they are, to love and value their uniqueness and learn how to practice self-care for the mind and body. The best part? We do it all in a really fun way!

The Glow Course is our signature 6 week personal development program and is suitable for ages 10 – 15yrs. The course is run over 6 weekly 1.5 hour sessions during the school term, where we provide face-to-face learning, hands-on practical activities, group discussions, worksheets and more. We keep our class sizes small to ensure a quality experience for every participant.

Building resilience and self esteem

How it helps

  • Improved confidence and understanding of value and self-worth

  • Enhanced development of emotional self-regulation

  • Increased understanding of how to implement self-care and personal hygiene

  • Improved social skills and healthy friendships

  • Creation of boundaries and decisions that align with values

  • Strengthened resilience to deal with life’s challenges

How we do it

  • Providing welcoming spaces where sessions are held

  • Creating a supportive and inclusive environment

  • Exploring self-acceptance, understanding and managing feelings, communication skills and personal responsibility through teaching sessions and group discussions and more

  • Providing fun hands-on, practical and interactive activities

Course Outline

I am confident

In this session we learn how body language and posture impact us and those around us by exploring the connection between the mind and body. We also learn how to create positive first impressions.

I am valuable

In this session students learn how to look after their hands and nails by completing their own manicures. We discuss the importance of taking care of our hands and how just like our hands are valuable to our bodies, we too are valuable and worthy.

My brain is amazing

We talk about the ‘chaotic brain’ of adolescence, how our brain’s separate functions grow and work together and what’s going on in our brain when we feel certain emotions. Students will learn practical tools to help regulate their emotions. We explore the power of neuroplasticity through fun, interactive activities. Students will identify their learning style by understanding the most common styles of learning.

Love the skin you are in

Students will learn about what happens to their skin as they transition from childhood through to adulthood and how to take care of their skin from the inside out. In this session students will have the experience of completing their own facials using age-appropriate, gentle skin care products. Students will also make their own natural lip scrub & lip balm to take home.

I am beautiful, just as I am

We explore self-acceptance and identify core values through creative hands-on activities. Students learn how to set boundaries and make decisions that align with their values. Students learn that they are more than their appearance on the outside and that their uniqueness can and should be celebrated.

I am mindful

This session has been designed for students to learn about how to create healthy habits, set goals and create a positive vision for their future. Students will gain practical tools for practising gratitude and mindfulness activities.

So, you’ve done The Glow Course

What’s next?

Our Sisterhood Sessions are the next step after completing The Glow Course. We wanted to create a way for our Glow Course graduates to stay connected, keep learning and growing in confidence and forge lasting, positive friendships with their peers.

Let’s chat!
Contact us to find out more